Design Projects

As Design Lead at Grinnell Appdev,  I was responsible for hiring and managing all UI and UX designers. I created and taught a six week design curriculum, and also advise on all organizational and project-level decisions.

I was additionally responsible for guiding UI, interaction design, and UX decisions during the development process for mobile and web design.

Here are some of the things I helped create:

Dorms DB

The Dorms DB project aims to provide a residence life room choice network that allows students of any subscribed institution to filter, view, rate, and sign up for rooms on their college campus. The front-end design for the system was completed by me in the Spring of 2015, with a simple, flat design made for institutional customization, and an easy-to-use interface.

Appdev Members Page

Drawing inspiration from many different startup/small company staff pages, I designed, iterated, and pitched a grid-based members page for grinnell appdev. Colors represent different roles, and and details on each member are displayed on a hover-over. This design especially suits Grinnell Appdev, since its team count is high, and we wish to prominently display the alumni of the group as well. The finished page may be viewed here.

Alumni DB

Developed as an alumni-exclusive social media app, Alumni DB was slated to provide current Grinnell College student and Alumni with a central place to find each other and communicate, enabling efficient social and professional networking. The app was designed with three-panel style, enabling quick navigation without needless UI elements. Alumni DB was unfortunately canceled after the prototype phase due to lack of funding.


Currently in progress, DB aims to upgrade Grinnell Appdev's most popular app with a major UI and design refresh. Featuring nested list selection style, the new DB will create a more efficient and enjoyable way to see anyone at Grinnell College. A prototype of the app can be viewed here.